Sunday, August 10, 2008

Can You Spot the Gator?

Babs and I visited Avery Island this weekend. You may recognize it as home of Tabasco Sauce. We found out that it has a lot more than that; from the worlds biggest salt dome to egret habitat to a 26 room house that the McIlhenney's lived in after the civil war, to gators. Yep, they got alligators in them south Louisiana marshes. They are the ultimate maters of disguise. check it out below:

It looks like algae, but the swamp here is actually covered by millions of tiny little leaves from tiny little water plants. The gator uses these plants for cover from his unsuspecting prey.

And there he is!

More tiny plants...

And there's another one!

These guys weren't worried about hiding

They actually had signs that read "Please Don't Feed the Alligaotrs". I wonder if alligators have signs that read "Don't Eat the People"?


EricaB said...

Wow! Look at those Gators. My college friend, Kim Dewbre, works for Tobasco (advertising) and spent two weeks a month out on Avery Island. She's friendly with the family...maybe even the gators too.

Cherie Mac said...

Cool Stuff! Did you know that alligators are only found in the southeastern US and China, while crocs are everywhere? Yup, poor endangered fellows. Don't take any home next time you're there --

Elizabeth said...

Where's the homebrew in those pics? I couldn't find it!

FP Brewer said...

Gators got it...